Water & Wastewater

The City of Tipton water treatment facilities include two wells and a water treatment plant built in 2002. Over 467,000 gallons per day are treated through the municipal system. The plant removes iron, treats with fluoride, and overall maintains a very high standard for water safety.

Click here to view the 2023 Water Quality Report.

Tipton maintains over 24 miles of water mains ranging from 4-inches to 12-inches in diameter. The current elevated storage capacity is 500,000 gallons.


The west side of town is home to a three-cell aerated lagoon (one million gallons per day capacity) and a lift stations. To the east is another three-cell aerated lagoon (570,000 gallons per day capacity).

The City maintains 19 miles of sanitary sewer main and has capital improvements programs in place to construct sewer service for development areas throughout the City. Any new developments require a standard of 8-inches for new service. The Tipton Water & Wastewater Department can be contacted throught the Public Works Department at 563-886-3953, City Hall at 563-886-6187, or

Guide to what you can flush or put down the drain.