Tipton High School Homecoming Parade

Location: Tipton High School
TIpton, IA 52772 (map)

Contact: Jen Johnson (jen.johnson@tipton.k12.ia.us)


The Tipton High School Homecoming Parade will be Wednesday, September 18!  The parade will start in front of the school at 6:00 PM on 6th Street to Meridian, left on Meridian to 4th Street and right on 4th Street to Cedar Street. The route will then follow Cedar Street to 9th Street and go right on 9th Street for the final four blocks to the Tipton City Park.
Immediately following the parade will be the Pep Rally at the Football Field. The Homecoming Court and King and Queen will be announced, hear from the fall sport coaches, watch Powder Puff Football and more!  You are invited to join the festivities and show your Tiger Pride!
If you have any questions, please contact Jen Johnson at (jen.johnson@tipton.k12.ia.us).