First Annual Knights of Columbus Council Golf Tournament

Location: Tipton Golf and Country Club
1143 Cedar Valley Road
Tipton, IA 52772 (map)

Contact: (


First Annual Knights of Columbus Council #11468
Charity Open Golf Tournament

Saturday, September 29th, 2018
Tipton Country Club ~ Tipton, Iowa

4 Person Best Shot 9:00 a.m. Start ~ Lunch included
24 Team Limit (Register Early)

Hole In One - 2018 Ford (Sponsored by O'Rouke Motors)
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place, Longest Drive and Putt, Closest to the Pin

Call: 319-721-6014 to register your team or

Registration Fee is $240.00 Per Team
Registration and Fees must be in by August 30th

Proceeds will be used to purchase and Ultra-sound machine for the
Informed Choices Medical Clinic of Iowa City, Iowa

Team Fees $240.00 ~ Make Checks payable to K of C Charity Golf Tounament
**Registration Fees MUST be in by August 30th
Mail registration fees to:
Knights of Columbus
1504 Jeffrey Drive
Tipton, IA  52772